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(이것)은 어떠하니? how is~? 기초영어말하기 2탄(이것)은 어떠하니?How is~?How is / wasschool 학교the food 그 음식the movie 그 영화the music 그 음악the book 그 책the weather 날씨your trip 너의 여행your feeling 너의 기분your work 너의 일my hair 나의 머리 ?그 영화 어때?How is the movie?그 영화 어땠어?How was the movie?내 머리 어때?How is my hair?내 새로운 머리 어때?How is my new hair?너의 여행 어땠어?How was your trip?너의 일 어때?How is your work?학교 어땠어?How was school?오늘 날씨 어때?How is the weather today?어제 날.. 2020. 3. 28.
(이것은) 무엇이니 What is~? 기초영어말하기 2탄이것은 무엇이니? What is / was ~?What is / wasit 그건 your role 너의 역할your hobby 너의 취미your dream 너의 꿈your opinion 너의 의견his opinion 그의 의견your problem 너의 문제his problem 그의 문제your question 너의 질문her question 그녀의 질문그건 뭐니?What is it?그거 뭐였니?What was it?저건 뭐니 ?What is that?저건 뭐였니?What was that?너의 문제가 뭐니?What is your problem?너의 문제가 뭐였니?What was your problem?그의 질문은 무엇이니?What is his question?그의 질문은 무엇이었니?Wh.. 2020. 3. 27.
(이것)은 언제니?(when is) 기초영어말하기 2탄(이것은)언제니?When is~?When is / wasthe test 그 시험the game 그 경기the party 그 파티the festival 그 축제the concert 그 콘서트the deadline 그 마감the wedding 그 결혼식the meeting 그 미팅the presentation 그 발표your birthday 너의 생일그 마감일은 언제인가요? When is the deadline?그 마감일은 언제였나요?When was the deadline?그 경기는 언제인가요?When is the game?그 경기는 언제였나요?When was the game?그 발표는 언제니?When is the presentation?너의 발표는 언제니?When is your prese.. 2020. 3. 26.
복습 대화연습하기 기초영어말하기 2탄 복습 대화연습하기A : 너 어제 울고 있었니?Were you crying yesterday?B1 : 응, 나 어제 울고있었어Yes, I was crying yesterdayB2 : 아니, 난 울고 있지 않았어 No, I wasn't crying난 자고 있었어I was sleeping A : 그들은 밤에 일하고 있었나요?Were they working at night?B1 : 네, 그들은 밤에 일하고 있었어요Yes, They were working at nightB2 : 아니요, 그들은 일하고 있지 않았어요No, They weren't working그들은 저녁을 먹고 있었어요They were having dinner A : 그녀는 운동하고 있었나요?Was she exercising?B1.. 2020. 3. 25.
누가~하고있었니? Was / Were ~? 기초영어말하기 2탄누가~하고있었니?Was / Were ~?Was / Was not + I / He / She ~? Were + You / We / They ~?talking 말하다 walking 걷다working 일하다preparing dinner 준비하다teaching kids / a kid 가르치다riding a bicycle 타다1taking a bus / a taxi 타다2trying 노력하다crying 울다너 걷고 있었니?Were you walking?그들은 일하고 있었니?Were they working?너 울고 있었니?Were you crying?그들은 그 규칙들을 따르고 있었니?Were they following the rules?그는 저녁식사를 준비하고 있었니?Was he preparing.. 2020. 3. 24.
누가하고있었다/있지않았다 기초영어말하기 2탄누가 하고 있었다 / 있지 않았다 were / weren'tYou / They / We were / weren't(were not)trying 노력하다dancing 춤추다smiling 웃다1laughing 웃다2walking(워ㅋ) 걷다working(월ㅋ)일하다following the rule(s) 따르다doing homework 하다cleaning the room 청소하다그들은 노력하고 있었어They were trying그들은 노력하고 있지 않았어They weren't trying그들은 열심히 노력하고 있지 않았어They weren't trying hard너는 미소 짓고 있었어You were smiling너는 웃고 있었어You were laughing너는 어젯밤에 웃고 있었어You w.. 2020. 3. 23.