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~해서 어떠하니~?

by 재테크AI TUTU 2020. 5. 28.

레벨업 길게말하기 2탄

~해서 어떠하니~?

+ to ~?

I / You / We / They / He / She


am / are / is









to see you

to get a job

to watch the game

to buy a new cell phone

to go shopping

to pass the test

to bother you

to discover the truth


너는 뉴욕을 방문해서 기쁘니?

Are you glad to visit New York?

그는 그 시험에 통과해서 기쁘니?

Is he glad to pass the test?

그들은 그 경기를 봐서 신나니?

Are they exited to watch the game?

그녀는 쇼핑을 가서 신나니?

Is she glad to go shopping?

너는 일자리를 얻어서 안심하니?

Are you relived to get a job?

너는 그를 귀찮게 해서 미안하니?

Are you sorry to bother him?

그녀는 새 핸드폰을 사서 신났니?

Was she exited to by a new cell phone?

그들은 여행을 가서 신났니?

Were they exited to travel?

너는 그를 봐서 행복했니?

Were you happy to see him?

그는 그곳에서 너를 만나서 놀랐니?

Was he surprised to meet you there?

그는 그 시험에 실패해서 슬펐니?

Was he sad to fail the test?

그녀는 그 진실을 발견하게 돼서 놀랐니?

Was she surprised to discovered the truth?

